Human resource transformation is the evolution of the HR function to drive operational excellence and create greater business value in a world of hybrid work.

It’s the process of seamlessly adapting and integrating service delivery, talent and technology into human resource strategy to create greater business value by driving both operational excellence and strategic impact.

An example of HR transformation includes things like employee onboarding, validating and tracking timesheets, leave requests, employee training and managing benefits.

There are three main stages of HR transformation namely acquisition, development and termination.

HR can influence transformation and change management by facilitating communication, developing training programs to build towards change, tracking performance and engagement to review the effects of change and ensuring any new strategy or policy aligns with the culture of the organization.

Examples of transformation in the work place includes employee development, team scaling, productivity and alignment to the business strategy. The key drivers for HR transformation include employee buy-in, tailoring the benefits pitch to address apprehensions of different employee clusters, ease of use of tools and technologies and appropriate on the job support for whole hearted adoption.

One critical role of HR in the change process is by initiating and leading the change and by serving as a facilitator for changes that other leaders and departments initiated.

Examples of transformations that an organisation can and will face include organizational, management, cultural, systems and business processes transformations.

Compiled by:  George K. Kamau
Hon. Secretary